of a company created in 1991 in New Zealand...

A company in perpetual research of innovation

Our desire: to offer you quality at the best price.

Mastip is a pioneer in the global plastics hot runner industry, now worth an estimated $2.6 billion annually and recognized for providing and supporting solutions to customers around the world , in more than 40 countries. Mastip's hot runners and thermally optimized components enable our customers around the world to provide consumers with the highest quality plastic components and products at the lowest cost in segments ranging from medical, electrical and from home appliances to electronics and automobiles.

Starting in 1991 with the design/manufacture of components for injection nozzles, only Mastip developed its products and knowledge of the field of hot runner technology to the point that by the early 2000s we could design, manufacture and provide a total solution of a rheologically balanced manifold and full range of nozzle solutions to suit all types of plastic injection molding applications, with a particular focus on the most advanced engineering grade polymers. more difficult.

Today, Mastip provides complete solutions in most markets covering engineering resins, high cavity systems or multi-material applications.

Mastip customers benefit from a long-term partner who provides them with high quality solutions at competitive prices that are differentiated by in-depth knowledge of the field of polymer engineering, balanced by a keen appreciation of tooling techniques and production, backed by exceptional global customer service and support.

We provide solutions in more than 40 countries through our channel partners and subsidiaries in the United States, Europe and China and have an effective global corporate account program for multinational customers.

We'd love for you to experience the Mastip difference and see how we can make things better for you, so don't hesitate to get in touch.